Seniors Wellness
‘Seniors Connect’ Is A Culturally Specific Program For Seniors 50+ Living In The Peel Region Desiring To Lead And Live An Active And Healthy Lifestyle.
Through culturally appropriate life skills programming participants have the opportunity to build relationships, foster a sense of wellbeing and give back to the community. New members are welcome we currently offer programming in two locations in the Brampton communities of Mahogany and Springdale.
For more information, Please Contact Us at

Leadership Development Management program, is a program that teaches youth financial literacy, career development and entrepreneurialism with the goals of helping youth to become self-sufficient adults, reach their full financial potential, and inspiring long-term career planning.
Youth are taught how to budget, save, and spend wisely so that they acquire the tools to make sound financial decisions. Investment and economic concepts are explored using board games and virtual stock portfolios. Aim High connects youth with community leaders and role models from government, business, and the nonprofit sectors to learn workplace skills for the real world.
& Wellbeing
Health And Wellbeing Program Is Based On The Canadian Sport For Life (CS4L). Canadian Sport For Life (CS4L) Is A Movement To Improve The Quality Of Sport And Physical Activity In Canada.
The wellness programme offers services that actively enourage and promote social, emotional, and intellectual wellness for senios, children, and youth, including those with special needs.
Fundamental movements are used to activate the body. The programme includes enjoyable activities that aid in the development of fundamental movement skills, which serve as a foundation for physical literacy in children and adolescents.

The Programme offers in person and online access to practical and fun physical and health education activities, as well as community connections, self – care strategies, and professional development programmes for people off all ages.
physical education, healthy eating emotion well-being, and the healthy bodies are among the themes covered.
Programs that can be used at home, in classrooms or in person. Includes, are after-school enrichment, mentoring, a March break program, a summer program, sport and physical activities and more are all available.