Wrap Around
Family Service

Health And

Education Key
To Success

In addition to our direct services, we invest in key program areas that help ensure young people, seniors and families are empowered, resilient, and complete in taking charge of their future. Our strategy- driven by research, data, and innovative approach.
Free For All Community Service Is A Organization Dedicated To Provide Social Justice And Advocacy Services For Marginalized Communities Such As Children, Youth, Seniors, Individuals, Groups, And Families.
We service thousands of needy families in the GTA. We empower the community to be an agent of change. We serve all people regardless of religion, race, ethnicity, or gender and we are passionate about seeing young people thrive. We refuse to believe that issues surrounding mental health and poverty are too big or difficult to overcome. Our vision for every family is to be empowered to take charge of their future.
Condensed Values:
Integrity – We make responsible decisions.
Innovation – We encourage thoughtful, creative, and inspirational ideas.
Collaboration – We work cohesively and collaboratively with all stakeholders.
Equity and inclusion –We work to support diversity.
Excellence – We go above and beyond to service our clients.

Our Vision:
To strengthen all through community service.
Seniors Wellness
‘Seniors Connect’ Is A Culturally Specific Program For Seniors 50+ Living In The Peel Region Desiring To Lead And Live An Active And Healthy Lifestyle.
Through culturally appropriate life skills programming participants have the opportunity to build relationships, foster a sense of wellbeing and give back to the community. New members are welcome we currently offer programming in two locations in the Brampton communities of Mahogany and Springdale.
For more information, Please Contact Us at

Leadership Development Management program, is a program that teaches youth financial literacy, career development and entrepreneurialism with the goals of helping youth to become self-sufficient adults, reach their full financial potential, and inspiring long-term career planning.
& Wellbeing
Health And Wellbeing Program Is Based On The Canadian Sport For Life (CS4L). Canadian Sport For Life (CS4L) Is A Movement To Improve The Quality Of Sport And Physical Activity In Canada.
The wellness programme offers services that actively enourage and promote social, emotional, and intellectual wellness for senios, children, and youth, including those with special needs.

Get Involved
Hello Aurelia, I’m hoping all is okay with you. Q is doing great; he attends Busy Bees summer camp and is excited to see his pals when he returns to school. For your help and the letters, you submitted on my behalf for the CRA, I wanted to express my gratitude to you and the Free for All Community Service. They recently responded to me, and as of right now, everything is good, and my benefits will be reinstated. I am grateful for all that you and your organization have done for me; you have truly been a blessing in my life.
Once again Thank you.
AKOMA Client
“Alexander Graham Bell said Preparation is the key to success. Thank you to the Free For All Community Services who has been instrumental in preparing me to be successful in the future.”
Katie Crawford
Central Peel Graduate
“I personally want to extend my appreciation to your foundation. My daughter, who was usually shy and timid, is now participative with any activities. Your foundation truly helped her to develop her individuality in a community. Thank you and God bless you all.”
2024 March Break Parent
“I am so grateful to Mr. Green who always stood up for us every single time, and also been so very supportive to us. we the seniors is so bless to have organization like you who cares about our well-bring Thank you once again”
Doris Fergusson
Our Blog